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Book of abstracts pdf
Detailed programme pdf
Book of abstracts pdf

Keynote speakers


Alessandro Camiz, Özyeğin University

Alessandro Camiz graduated (BArch+MArch) in Architecture at “Sapienza” University (Rome, 1999). Before graduating, he cooperated with Sartogo Architetti Associati for the New Italian Embassy (Washington DC) and the Church of Jesus’ Holy Face (Rome). In 2007, he discussed his doctoral thesis on “History of medieval town planning in Ravenna” (Sapienza), and therein attended Post-Doctoral studies until 2014.  He taught at the School of Architecture of University of Miami and at the Faculty of Architecture of Girne American University (Cyprus), where he directed until 2018 the International Centre for Heritage Studies (ICHS). He is member of ICOMOS-Italy, and secretary general of the Cyprus Network for Urban Morphology (CyNUM). He is now associate professor and director of the Laboratory on Dynamic Research on Urban Morphology (DRUM) at Özyeğin University, Istanbul and editor of the Journal ​FORMA CIVITATIS International journal of urban and territorial morphological studies, Grünberg Verlag, Weimar and Rostock. His main research interests are in architectural design, urban morphology and advanced digital technologies for documentation and conservation of architectural heritage.


Lamberto Amistadi, University of Bologna

Lamberto Amistadi is an architect and an associate professor in the Department of Architecture at the University of Bologna – Cesena Campus and the coordinator of the ArchéA program. He is the deputy director of the scientific journal FAMagazine, devoted to research and projects concerning architecture and the city, and co-director of the series TECA, Teorie della Composizione architettonica (Naples: Clean). Along with Ildebrando Clemente, he founded and directs the series SOUNDINGS: Theory and Architectural Openness (Florence: Aión), which has included monographic volumes on John Hejduk and Aldo Rossi. He is also the author of numerous publications.



Special guests


Andrea Pirinu, University of Cagliari

Graduated in Civil-Building Engineering and PhD in Building Engineering.
Assistant professor at the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Cagliari, he is currently lecturer in charge of the integrated course of “Survey and representation of architecture and the environment” within three-year degree in Architectural Sciences and of the “Laboratory of Drawing” within the degree in Engineering for the Environment and the territory. In the 2019 he achieved the national scientific qualification (ASN), pursuant to art. 16 of the law n. 240/2010, for the functions of Associate professor for the sector 08/E1-Drawing. Member of LabMAST (Laboratory of Materials and Traditional Historical Architectures) at the DICAAR of the University of Cagliari, he carries out research on issues related to architectural drawing, representation of territorial and urban reality, architectural and archaeological survey. Co-director of the series “Paesaggi imperfetti. Espressioni grafiche e modelli interpretativi” published by Aracne (Rome), he is a speaker at various national and international conferences with numerous scientific publications, including in the 2013 the monograph entitled Le piazzeforti della Sardegna. Il disegno dei baluardi cinquecenteschi nell’opera dei fratelli Paleari Fratino, in the 2015 the monograph – together with the geographer Giovanni Sistu- entitled Paesaggi imperfetti. Il Di-Segno del paesaggio della Planargia Costiera (Sardegna Centro-Occidentale) and in the 2021 the monograph Leggere la diversità urbana. Espressioni grafiche e modelli interpretativi per la rappresentazione del paesaggio di Cagliari.

Vincenzo Bagnolo, University of Cagliari

Bagnolo Vincenzo graduated in Civil Engineering and holds a Ph.D. in Architectural Engineering. He is Associate Professor in architectural drawing and representation (SSD ICAR/17) at the Department of Civil Environmental Engineering and Architecture (DICAAR) in the University of Cagliari. He teaches the course of “Architectural Drawing” in the degree course in Architectural Sciences, the “Architectural Survey” module in the “Integrated Architectural Survey and Restoration Laboratory” and the course of “Drawing and visual communication” of the master’s degree course in Architecture at the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Cagliari. He is member of the Doctoral School of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the University of Cagliari. Since 2021 he has been coordinator of the bachelor’s degree course of the University of Cagliari in Architectural Sciences. His research interests are mainly addressed to the themes of drawing in his speculative and explorative dimension, survey and representation of architecture and environment, and drawing as an instrument of expression and communication of creative and planning thought. Speaker at national and international conferences, he is the author of over 70 scientific papers.

Assunta Pelliccio, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio

Assunta Pelliccio, graduated in Architecture at the University of Naples; PhD in Civil and Mechanical Engineering. She is currently assistant professor (habilitated) of Representation and Survey of Architecture at the University of Cassino and in southern Lazio.
She is local coordinator of some Regional founded project in the field of Cultural Heritage as well as a member of some European projects, such as the Erasmus + program – RE-BUILT and thinkMOTION. She has been a member of some national projects such as CARTIS_CART (developed by the ReLUIS Interuniversity Consortium and Department of National Protection) and PRIN (Research Projects of the Italian Ministry) as well as scientific manager of the Agreements with the Municipalities of Southern Lazio for the study and survey of the historical building heritage.
Member of International Program Committee of Conference of Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (Metroarcheo-IEEE) and of Multiconference DREAM Silesian.
Member of the International Scientific Board Journal “Architecture Civil Engineering Environment” ACEE. published by the Silesian University of Technology-ISSN: 1899-0142 as well as the Scientific Journal on Architecture and Cultural Heritage -Disegnarecon-ISNN 1828-5961.
Editor of Springer publication. Reviewer for Nexus Journal; Springer Journal; IGI Global Hershey, Pennsylvania (USA); RA – Restauro Archeologico etc..
She has participated in numerous national and international conferences as chair, speaker, and special guest.
The main topics of the research are: GIS applied to small historical centers; The city of Cassino and its relationship with the Abbey of Montecassino; Medieval historic villages; Post-industrial sites in Southern Lazio and in the Silesian Region; Digital photogrammetric survey of cultural heritage; BIM for the enhancement of historic buildings; Interdisciplinary studies.
She is authors of more than 70 national and international publications including monographs.

Marco Giorgio Bevilacqua, University of Pisa

Marco Giorgio Bevilacqua is full professor of Architectural Representation at the University of Pisa. He’s professor of Architectural Drawing 2 and Methods of Architectural Survey in the Master Degree in Architecture and Building Engineering and of Techniques of Representation in the Degree Course of Engineering for the Industrial Design at the School of Engineering of the University of Pisa.
His research activity is in the field of historical architectural heritage. In this field, the research interests are mainly related to the architectural and urban survey, always meant as main tool for analysis and interpretation, with interdisciplinary and methodological in-depth in the field of digital survey and digital representation for knowledge, restoration and diagnostics.


Cecilia Maria Bolognesi, Politecnico of Milano

Graduated in Architecture in 1987 at Politecnico di Milano, and PhD in 1996 at University Institute of Architecture Venice, she is currently Associate Professor in the Scientific Sector ICAR/17 at the Department of Architecture, Building and Construction at Politecnico di Milano.
She is responsible for the implementation of the Digital Skills in the Master degree of the School, Scientific Director of the LaborA Laboratory (Fisical and Virtual Modelling laboratory of Politecnico). She has developed research in national and international context, mainly related with tangible and intangible case studies, focusing on the relationship between survey, representation in the field of digital heritage and BIM environments.
The main focuses are (I) Application of BIM methodologies in the construction field focusing on modelling/on processing/ applied in the AEC sector as in the field of Cultural Heritage (H-BIM); (II) Experimentation of image based modelling techniques for digitization, documentation and develop of virtual environments; (III) Survey and analysis of existing for cultural virtual tours for museums or institutions
The above-mentioned activities have resulted in monographs, numerous works on international journals
ISI and Scopus indexed journals, contributions in books, international conferences.
She has worked for several public environment dedicated to modelling from the territorial scale to construction scale to finalize BIM workflows and virtual environments such as the Lombardy Industry for Public residential asset, ALER. She is part of the task group coordinating BIM4EEB H2020 project in Politecnico di Milano. She is past member of the Landscape Commission of the Municipality of Milan 2009-2012; past member of the council of Milan Order of Architects from 2014 to 2017; past scientific coordinator of BIM Modelling courses for the Order of Architects -2016.17.

Stefania Landi, University of Pisa

Graduated in Building Engineering and Architecture and obtained her PhD in Architectural Restoration at the DESTeC department of the University of Pisa, where she is currently research fellow and lecturer. Her research interests concern the theoretical and technical aspects of conservation and reuse of the architectural heritage, with particular attention to 20th century architecture and the problems of conservation of reinforced concrete. She is a member of Centro di Studi per la Storia dell’Architettura di Roma, member of ICOMOS Italy, and vice-president of the ICOMOS-International Scientific Committee on 20th Century Heritage. She has been visiting PhD Student at the Getty Conservation Institute (Los Angeles, CA) under the Conserving Modern Architecture Initiative, and visiting lecturer at the Silesian University of Technology (Gliwice, Poland) under the Erasmus+ programme. She published and presented her research studies in several international conferences on architectural conservation.

Debbie Whelan, University of Lincoln

Debbie’s work is transdisciplinary (architecture, socio-historical anthropology and history), focussed on KwaZulu-Natal. She is experienced in the development and heritage sectors and has taught at DUT, UKZN, and the University of Lincoln. She has compiled numerous Heritage Impact Assessments, and is considered a land expert in KwaZulu-Natal, having evaluated over 100 land claims for the State and private landowners. Her interests centre on architectural change and its impact on the built environment. This includes rural-urban movement, contemporary intangible heritage, and post-colonial societies. She also investigates historic infrastructure including electrification, civic-level buildings and water supply in colonial and post-colonial environments.

Krystyna Solarek, Warsaw University of Technology

Krystyna Solarek is an architect, urban planner and researcher – professor of technical sciences. She combines research at the Faculty of Architecture at the Warsaw University of Technology with creativity in the field of urban design and spatial planning in the Studio of Architecture and Town Planning “SOL-AR”.
She heads the Department of Town Planning and Spatial Management at the Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw University of Technology; she is also the vice-dean of the Faculty of Architecture for Research and the chairwoman of the Scientific Council for Architecture and Town Planning at the Warsaw University of Technology. She is a member of the Architecture and Town Planning Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, different scientific committees and expert teams, competition committees, and a representative of the Warsaw University of Technology in the national Accessibility Council. For many years she has been working in the Society of Polish Town Planners, where she was a member of the Main Board for several years.
She is the leading designer of several dozen local plans and some general plans (studies of conditions and directions of spatial development) of communes, co-author of over 200 town planning studies, including conceptual works and competitions, several of which were awarded, the author of analyzes and expert opinions.
She deals with various aspects of contemporary city development, suburbanization processes, issues of urban greenery, universal design, accessibility of urban space and water management in the city. She is the author of several dozen publications, including monographs and new didactic programs, and the promoter of diploma theses awarded many times in national competitions.

Magdalena Kątnik–Kowalska, Communal Cultural Centre in Żołynia

Magdalena Kątnik–Kowalska, a political scientist and culture manager, director of the Centre of Culture in the Commune of Żołynia, chief editor of the Żołynia newspaper ”Facts and Realities” (“Fakty i Realia”) author, co-author and publisher of books and publications about Żołynia, implementer of her own projects in the field of culture and social development, the most important ones including: ”Altars of the Past” (“Ołtarze przeszłości”) – the programme of renovation of period tombstones in the Żołynia cemetery; ” Our Artists’ Gallery” (“Galeria naszych twórców”) – the promotion of local artists and craftspeople; the Żołynia People Reunions (”Zjazdy Żołyniaków”) – the continuation of a pre-war tradition of organizing a big-scale event attracting compatriots from all over the world.

The discoverer, depositary and promoter of the artistic legacy of the Dąbrowski family, the woodcarvers from Żołynia specializing in sacred art. For several years, she has been promoting ”THE DĄBROWSKIS – PROJECT” (“PROJEKT DĄBROWSCY”) aiming at the documentation and exposition of the legacy of this distinguished family. Her main activities include: research, promotion in mass media, social projects involving artists, history aficionados and local enthusiasts; attempts to create the Centre of Local Heritage in the Dąbrowski family’s town house. In 2021, Magdalena Kątnik-Kowalska completed post-graduate studies ”Heritage Academy” organized by the International Centre of Culture and the University of Economics in Cracow.

Bartosz Podubny, Deputy of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship Conservator of Monuments in Przemyśl

Master of Art History; a graduate of the Institute of Art History at the Catholic University of Lublin (KUL); an employee of the Voivodeship Conservation Office in Przemyśl and National Heritage Institute; nowadays, holds a position of the Deputy Head of Conservation in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship. Within the framework of his PhD dissertation (supervised by Professor Lechosław Lameński), he is documenting artistic work of Ferdynand and Stanisław Majerski. He is the author of the publication ”The Majerski Family for the Przemyśl Cathedral. The History of Restoration of the Przemyśl Latin Rite Cathedral against a Background of the Activity of Ferdynand and Stanisław Majerski” (”Majerscy dla katedry Przemyskiej. Historia restauracji katedry przemyskiej obrządku łacińskiego w kontekście działalności Ferdynanda i Stanisława Majerskich”), Przemyśl 2020. He is also the author of numerous articles, biograms and conference presentations connected with the Majerskis’ artistic work, history and conservation of monuments. Additionally, Bartosz Podubny is active in the field of sepulchral art. He is the author or co-author of several dozen different elaborations concerning sights and monuments located in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship.
He participated in the research project ”Corpus Vitrearum – Collection of Stained Glass Windows, Coverage 1800–1945, in Roman Catholic Churches of the Cracow and Przemyśl Ecclesiastical Provinces”, which was carried out by the Institute of Art History at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow (UJ) within the scope of the National Programme of the Humanities Development, supervised by Wojciech Bałus, prof. dr hab.
Bartosz Podubny is currently preparing a documentation of the Dąbrowskis’-of-Żołynia Collection (within the framework of the project of the Polonica Institute in collaboration with Katarzyna Chrudzimska-Uhera, dr hab., and Anna S. Czyż, dr hab., from the Institute of Art History (UKSW).
He is also a member of the Association of Art Historians. In 2020, by the decision of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, Bartosz Podubny was appointed a member of the Łańcut Castle Council. He also participates in a similar advisory committee at the National Museum of the Przemyśl Land.

Marek Jakubowski, Special School and Educational Centre for Blind Children in Owińska by Poznań

01.09.1982 to 2019 – teacher in School Educational Center for Blind Children in Owińsk near Poznań
01.05.2000 to the present – running a publishing company that deals with all types of graphics and typhlographics and prints in Braille
• laureate of three awards of the Minister of National Education for outstanding achievements in the field of Education
• laureate of the first prize of the Minister of Infrastructure for outstanding achievements in the field of typhlocartography
• Knight of the Order of the Smile
• Author of the study: `Technology for producing maps and convex plans for the blind and visually impaired’
• Author of numerous publications in the field of typhlography and typhlography
• Co-author of the first Polish study: ` Geographical atlas of Poland for the blind and visually impaired’ – typhlographic development, printing and stamping
• Author of the Polish electronic font of Braille
• Author of patents in the field of typhlographics
• Author, co-author and performer of hundreds of graphical touch publications from the tyflological maps` category i.a. :
• Public Transport of Poznań,
• Public Transport of Cracow,
• Public Transport of Nowy Sącz,
• Public Transport of Tarnów,
• Situational plan of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland
• Plans of the Warsaw subway station
• Typhlological nautical maps for cruises for the blind
• Typhlological maps of Georgia
• Typhlological maps of Armenia
• Typhlological plans for tourist destinations in the country and abroad
• Tyflological plans of the Botanical Gardens
• Typhlological plans for the University of Wroclaw
Author of hundreds of graphical tactile publications from the typhlographic category i.a. :
• Sets of typhlographic works of art for the Zachęta Gallery in Warsaw
• Sets of typhlographic works for the National Museum in Poznań
• Sets of typhlographic works for the National Museum in Gdańsk
• Sets of typhlographic works for The Museum in Stalowa Wola
• Tyflographies of cultural monuments for Tarnów, Kraków and Nowy Sącz
• Tyflographies for Botanical Gardens, among others in Powsin and Bolestraszyce
• Sets of typhlographic illustrations for books in Georgia
Author of 47 educational, typhlographic book items for the blind and visually impaired i.a. :
• Album of road crossings for learning spatial orientation -Polish, Georgian and Armenian version
• Symbols of World War II for the Warsaw Uprising Museum
• Students book for learning spatial orientation in a proximal space
• We get to know the Polish Braille alphabet and the Polish Literary in black-ink
• Album of geometric figures
• Relief facade of monuments
• Inflorescences (multilingual versions)
• Tangrams
• Mazes – educational games for the blind
• Periodic table of elements
Author of the technology of making typhlological casts and copies of museum objects – structural composites i.a. :
• Facades of monuments for the city of Tbilisi
• Casts of touch plans for Zakopane
• Copies of Durer alabaster for the National Museum in Gdańsk

Katarzyna Krasowska, West Pomeranian University of Technology

Vice-dean for organization and development of the Faculty of Architecture of the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, B. Arch. (2011) and M. Arch. (2014) from the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin Architecture and Town Planning. She conducts research in the field of urban development, the development of the idea of ​​Human smart City in Poland and universal design. Coordinator of universal design at the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, co-founder of the “Symulatorium Dostępności” – a unique universal design laboratory. Project manager of the Academy of Accessible Space Development. Participated in the WS-RADS workshop (2010-12); WIRE (2013); EWWUD (2010-14) and was the organizer of the Mayor of Gryfino City Revival (2016) workshops. She conducts classes in the field of urban revitalization, social issues in architecture and universal design in shaping space. Since 2017, complementing the architect of the city of Gryfino, episodes, actions, participation in city activities in PIM – a program of partnership cooperation of Polish cities, similar to the URBACT program. In 2019, she defended her doctorate with honors. Sustainable development of small towns in Western Pomerania after Poland’s accession to the EU, for which she received the award of the Minister of Development

Jan Szuster, Pirs Creative Lab, Warsaw

Jan Szuster inżynier, konstruktor, przedsiębiorca. Urodził się w 1967 r. w Warszawie. W wyniku barwnikowego zwyrodnienia siatkówki, które zdiagnozowano u niego, gdy był nastolatkiem, zaczął tracić wzrok, a obecnie jest osobą niemal całkowicie ociemniałą. Ukończył Wydział Elektroniki Politechniki Warszawskiej i Państwową Szkołę Muzyczną II stopnia im. Józefa Elsnera w klasie organów. Jeszcze przed ukończeniem studiów zatrudnił się na stanowisku konstruktora elektronika w firmie produkującej urządzenia telekomunikacyjne, a pięć lat później został kierownikiem zespołu projektowego, na czele którego stał przez 15 lat. W 2013 r. założył swoją firmę Pirs Creative Lab, czyli „laboratorium badawczo-wdrożeniowe”, które rozpowszechnia „najnowsze technologie w szeroko rozumianym biznesie oraz w codziennym życiu. Łączy doświadczenie projektowe ze znajomością specyfiki funkcjonowania bez wzroku tworząc rozwiązania cieszące się dużą popularnością. Najbardziej znanym z nich jest system nawigacyjno-informacyjny TOTUPOINT, przeznaczony do udźwiękowienia i opisu przestrzeni publicznej służący głównie osobom z niepełnosprawnością wzroku ale nie tylko. Funkcjonuje on już w ponad 1000 miejscach kilkudziesięciu miast w Polsce. Aktywnie działa na rzecz promowania pracy osób z niepełnosprawnością. „Dobry pracodawca wie, że dopiero zespół tworzy efektywną, sprawną całość. Jeśli trafia na osobę mającą wiedzę, umiejętności, talent, to niepełnosprawność nie będzie przeszkodą” – mówi. Postępująca degradacja widzenia nigdy nie zniechęciła go do aktywności fizycznej, jeździ na nartach, uprawia turystykę górską, jeździectwo i windsurfing.

Cettina Santagati, University of Catania

She is associate professor at the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Catania. She is part of the Laboratory of Architectural Photogrammetry and Survey “Luigi Andreozzi” and head of the Laboratory of Digital Surveying, Representation and Reconstruction at Museum of Representation, University of Catania. Her research interests are focused on: 3D acquisition and modelling, HBIM, Virtual Museums.

Martina Peřinková, VSB Technical University of Ostrava

Profesor Martina Peřinková is dean of the Faculty of civil engineering in VSB-Technical University of Ostrava. She is also the president of the international conference Architecture in perspective which Proceedings are included in Web of Science, she is the member of the Coucil of the Minister of Culture for research in the Czech Republic. Her habilitation thesis was about remediation plasters used on historic masonry, later the work was developed in impact article “Research into the influence of subsoil on sulphates, nitrates and chlorides accumulated in renovation plasters used for rehabilitation of monuments in the Czech Republic” . She does lectures about cultural heritage and renewal of sites. She was the part of team which focused on cemeteries and funeral art, and its outputs were the book “Mourning halls, the Space for the Ritual of Passing from this World into the Next” and the book “Cemetery as a public space” and many other articles about this topic. She woorks as an architect in her office Infer Way.

Edita Vráblová, The Faculty of Architecture STU, Institute of Architecture of Residential Buildings

She has been working at the Institute of the Residential buildings of the Faculty of Architecture STU in Bratislava since 2008. She devotes to the domain of the residential and public buildings architecture, with focus on the hotels and the student houses. She has remarkably contributed to the international research project Regiogoes (Slovakia – Austria) and had also joined the some local research grant projects. She is a co-author of a monograph published abroad, various scientific papers published in journals and scientific conferences digests. She devotes mainly to the residential buildings and temporary accommodation in her architectural practice. She was rewarded in architectural competitions: 1st prize in an architectural competition verified by the Slovak Chamber of Architects and received the nomination for the ARCH Prize in the 1st round. Many her projects and design works were released and presented at the several architectural exhibitions.

Doris Gstach, Erfurt University of Applied Sciences

Doris Gstach is a landscape architect and open space planner by profession. She has been working as a practitioner, researcher and teacher in Austria, Germany and the US. Since 2012 she holds a position as professor at the Department of Urban and Spatial Planning at the University of Applied Sciences in Erfurt/Germany. She teaches a variety of undergraduate and graduate classes and studios on open space planning and urban design. Her recent research focuses on strategies of open space provision as contribution to environmental justice and planning tools for green infrastructure in cities facing densification processes.

Małgorzata Kądziela, University of Silesia Katowice

Doktor nauk humanistycznych, wykładowca w Instytucie Nauk o Kulturze Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach. Redaktorka naczelna międzynarodowego oraz interdyscyplinarnego czasopisma Loci Communes. International Journal of Studies on Spaces in Arts and Humanities, Anthropology and Architecture, wydawanego przez Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach. Zajmuje się problematyką percepcji zmysłowej w kontekstach interdyscyplinarnych i transkulturowych. Współpracuje z architektami oraz urbanistami, z którymi projektuje przestrzenie publiczne i prowadzi badania. Organizatorka oraz realizatorka krajowych i międzynarodowych warsztatów edukacyjnych, w tym architektonicznych, dla dzieci, młodzieży oraz studentów w kraju i za granicą. Autorka publikacji poświęconych projektowaniu, percepcji muzyki i dźwięku. Animatorka wydarzeń kulturalnych.